LearnEd On-Demand Tutoring

Stuck on homework? Need help right now?

How it works

We'll get some information on the student and your payment details

Let our tutors know what you need help with. This helps the right tutor find you.

The page will update with your lesson link. You will also receive an email and text message with a link to your lesson. You can stay in the lesson as long as you want

On-demand lessons are priced at $20 per 15 minutes. We charge per minute, so only pay for what you use. If you leave your lesson in the first 5 minutes you will not be charged. Lesson time starts once both the student and tutor have joined the class.

If something goes wrong or if you have a question, you can contact our support team via chat in the bottom right hand corner or via support@learned.au. We also have a help centre at https://help.learned.au/hc/en-us

You can request a callback at https://learned.au/callback to get more information about our service.

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Our Goal: Help every student reach theirs

Backed by our LearnEd Guarantee

First 15 minutes free

Our tutors will help you with your subject or your money back*

*conditions apply

LearnEd tutors are interviewed and vetted with Working with Children Checks

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